Sunday, August 17, 2008

Cabernet Franc Clone 214 is true

Well, a lot of times I take with a grain of salt what the nurseries say about a clone of grapes. Well, they are right. Clone 214 (a Loire clone) is an earlier ripener than 332. It is moving quickly with veraison while the 332 is farther behind. Here is a picture of 214 Clone. It looks velvety like Cabernet Sauvignon. It is beautiful. And I think we will try to put the 214 in separate barrels, because it might be a reserve wine.

Oh, by the way here is Corky in action:

Chardonay is moving along...3 weeks before harvest?

Chardonnay is hanging pretty in the vineyard right now. Outside of a little rot pressure early this Spring, we are moving along with some clusters registering 20 brix and the average at about 16 as of Sat. August 16. So if all goes with about a pickup of 2 brix a week, we might sit at 22 in three weeks. Then, the weather determines how long we hang, a little wet weather and we harvest. Here is a picture:

Mourvedre at 16 brix

I am amazed at the size of the clusters of Mourvedre. Here is a picture.

I have not worked with Grenache but these cluster are large. I hand weighed a few and they are over a pound. In spite of the large cluster, the taste is superb and the tannin is a keeper. I like the fruit so much that I planted an additional 1/3 acre this spring. Mataro, another name for Mourvedre is a good variety for Missouri. Let's keep this a secret. Because I would rather be the only grower of this super varietal in this part of the country. As a member of the Rhone Rangers and probably the only in Missouri, this is unbelievable.

Oh, also here is our new puppie, Sophie. She is a wheaton colored scottie dog and she loves to hunt: